Literal and figurative traverses of basin and range

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Two months in

I lost ten pounds since my last post!

Unfortunately, it all happened during a single evening as I suffered through a bout of what I presume was a moderate case of food poisoning. Funny, I don't remember eating any peanuts. I think I'm still recovering, but I did get in a short mountain bike ride at the regional park this afternoon. Oh, and the poundage is more or less back already.

Latent stomach bug notwithstanding, this was a wonderful weekend. I ran some errands, lazed around a bit, walked the dogs a few times, spent a day birding in the yard, and of course, did the aforementioned trail ride. I have yet to fulfill my intense desire to go fishing but that really should wait until water temperatures come up a bit anyway - maybe this spring.

It looks like 2009 is shaping up to be a pretty good year, and I think BeanSS and I deserve one.

Sunday, February 08, 2009


As mentioned in a prior post or two, my motorcycle has been broken down for a while. I screwed up what should have been a straightforward repair back in mid-December and spent the next month-and-a-half fixing it in increments, fearful that I'd mess things up again. I finally closed the engine back up today, added the oil, and fired it up. Though just mentioning this could jinx everything, I think it's working fine and the cases might even be oil-tight.

Unfortunately, it's now leaking fuel from the petcock, a likely consequence of too much down time. It only leaks in the "on" position and not on the "off" or "reserve" settings, so I can probably wait a while before repairing it. I need this thing running so I can back off the bike commuting and maybe have enough strength left at the end of the week to go mountain biking with Veelz. Or not. I think I might just be momentarily tired of dealing with two-wheeled vehicles.