Weather. Or not.
I cannot believe what great weather we've had this month. June is usually when it starts getting pinned at 100° or more. It may get into triple digits yet, but for several weeks now, Tucson really hasn't gone much past the mid-90s. Better yet, the early mornings have been in the mid-60s - cool nights usually end in June, too. With the Mexican Monsoon projected to arrive early and with plenty of rain, the Old Pueblo may be able to avoid the century mark for an appreciable part of the early summer.
All this nice weather has somewhat tempered the onset of cabin fever (desert dwellers get it in summer, not winter) and as a result, I've still not made it out of town for anything adventurous. Nevertheless, I still feel a pretty strong desire to get out of here eventually, and the fact that BeanSS and I are finally in a position to get a second car will help with that. And oh, but I do need the help.
A while back, I vowed to focus more on having fun in life. Later, I blogged about how I needed to dwell less on my frustrations with my job. It's been just over two years since that first post and I feel like I've largely failed on both accounts. So once again, I am stating for the record that I will restore my work-life balance, I will get the fuck out my job rut, and I will search continually for joyful distractions from it all. Oh, and here's a new one: I will endeavor to stop complaining about having a job that is conveniently close to home and with full benefits while much of the Nation's economy is in a shambles. The list of unflattering terms that describe me (i.e. curmudgeon, biocrat, singlespeeder, etc.) is already long enough with adding ingrate to it.
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