Singletrack, bad back, flapjacks
Just as I'd hoped for yesterday - up before dawn, bike in the back of the truck, and a few laps on the bunny loops at Sweetwater. It took a while for my legs to feel like they were with the program but I set a new record for fewest coughs per hour. In fact, I may finally be kicking this stuff - just in time to head back to work tomorrow. Whee.
The primary bummer was that I somehow wrenched my lower back while out on the trail, but it's nothing that a little Ibuprofen and some wincing won't handle. Plus, it gives me a reason to put off weight lifting for another day and instead read the Spine Owner's Manual article in the latest Dirt Rag.
I got back home in time for a quick couple of walks around the block with BeanSS and the dogs - inflexible spine and all - and then it was pancakes, sausage, and scrambled eggs for breakfast. I know I can't eat like that every day, or every weekend for that matter, but it was nice to not have to have my millionth bowl of cereal.
Now, it's off to the movies.
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