My suspension fork came back from the manufacturer, and it's once again full of oil and working properly. I wish there was somewhere I could send my lungs for service. They're also full of something and are definitely not functioning. It'll reach 100ยบ later this week, so it looks like this lingering chest congestion crap has managed to take out the last few days of the nice spring weather. At least the mornings are still cool. Anyway, I've been pavement-bound for a few weeks and I'm looking forward to getting out on some trails, air temperature notwithstanding. And dammit, I have got to get up to Flagstaff this summer so I can test myself on a singlespeed at altitude.
So, can we all tell that I've switched my obsession du jour from fishing back over bicycling? I still want to get out and fish but one simple fact remains: bicycling is instant gratification while fishing requires a road trip. Gas is cheaper these days but I only have so much time away from work, and I'd rather not spend it all in a car.
But didn't I just say I wanted to ride in Flagstaff? There's 5 or 6 hours in a car - each way. The simple answer is that Flagstaff's mountain biking is some of the best in the west, while southeast Arizona's fishing scene is a more or less a joke. There you have it.
Either way, I'm looking forward to whatever adventures may happen this summer.
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