Literal and figurative traverses of basin and range

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Ever onward

No news of note, but the training for the 24 Hours in the Old Pueblo continues. Another week of bike commuting, another west-side road ride, and another few sessions with the weights. The race is just over two weeks off, and I'm really looking forward to tapering off and then going out hard. Got below 250 pounds, too. The team composition appears to have been ironed out, with this PooBah fellow taking Ssweatleaf's place.

Today's anecdote: Ascending Gates Pass is getting incrementally easier for me, but is by no means easy (see note above re: body mass). It takes a good bit of concentration for me to keep up a good spin or to rock the bike out of the saddle, all while sticking more or less to the shoulder stripe. One of my larger peeves is when a motorist thinks it helps to follow me rather than passing (when there's room). There's nothing more comforting than hearing a groaning engine in my 90 degree wide blind spot, not knowing when or if they'll come around. This last time, just as I was coming up over the top from the east, a driver came up to within a yard of my left pedal, matched my speed, and yelled from his passenger window "Is this the way to the desert museum?" My reply; "I'm kinda' busy! YES! GO!" So he went. Dangerous distraction much? I only wish I'd had time to dispense some sarcasm, such as "Yes, just like the sign you passed one mile back said." The California plates on his POS explained it all. I'm a ASDM member and think everyone should go there, so I've since forgiven him.

Time to head off to work, via automobile no less. Lazy ass.


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