Literal and figurative traverses of basin and range

Monday, December 26, 2005

Happy Boxing Day

Last year or the year before, I posted something on MTBR's forums about how X-mas was meaningless to me; just a day for my favorite taqueria to be cerrado. Sure it was flip and I admit I was trolling a bit, but I was genuinely wondering if there was anyone else out there that was thinking along the same lines. Apparently not, and one humorless bastard tried to flame me. Was it really so incomprehensible to him that an atheist might not find December 25th to be a particularly significant day?

That gentleman's response was about as welcome as the attempted shouting-down I got a month or so later from some chog who was upset that I didn't know it was Superbowl Sunday and wasn't aware that the New England Patriots were the MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE ENTIRE WORLD.

Thanks to both of you for sharing your opinion of my beliefs but please realize not everyone is like you. Or cares what you think. Now get bent. On the plus side, the Stupor Bowl ride was where I first met the distinguished Veelz.

Now, if nobody minds, I'll get back to the business of sharing information about the place in which I'm so fortunate to live; the Sonoran desert. This is picture of a cristate saguaro (Carnegia gigantia Engelm.) that happens to be growing within the confines of Tucson Mountain Park, not too far from a favorite side trail. I'm curious if the misshapen crown on this individual permits the cactus to flower. I guess I'll just have to schedule some rides out to this one starting next April or so.

Lastly, I've had about enough of this chest cold. I'm at over a week with no real saddle time save for three round trip commutes to work. This is no way to prepare for a bike race.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done!
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Tue Sep 26, 12:04:00 AM 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done!
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Tue Sep 26, 12:04:00 AM 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you! |

Tue Sep 26, 12:04:00 AM 2006


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