Literal and figurative traverses of basin and range

Thursday, December 15, 2005

OK then, how do you work this thing?

OK, well, this Veelz fellow is a scholar and a gentleman for setting this up this Blog for me. Bovines Bite, the Yang to the Yin that is CowsSuck. Now that the obligatory linking back to my electronic benefactor is over, let's get this contraption underway.

If you're male, then I'm a regular guy just like you, only fatter. I've been married to my Latina Bonita for ten, count 'em, ten years. Two dogs, no sprogs, CFBC in an almost militant way. I pay the bills, or most of them anyway, via practice in the field of applied conservation biology. That's "jackbooted government thug" to the black helicopter, AM-talk radio listening (and calling) wingnuts and perhaps "biostitute" to the Greens trying so earnestly to counter the Growth Lobby. Fine, good. I sleep just fine.

Moving on. If you'll be so kind as to refer to the photo, you will find a gratuitous shot of myself, obscured behind a sign and in shades to remain suitably anonymous. Well, as anonymous as an eighth of a short ton, 6'4" abberation with two-tone chin pubes can be. If you know the sign, then you know Tucson Mountain Park's somewhat lesser-known southwest portion. It and Starr (aka Scar) Pass are what amount to my home trails, as I'm a west sider. That's my singlespeed, or 'twas until I cracked the frame. I have another one now.

And that's what this is really all about - Bicycles and the riding of same. I suspect my wife, though a cyclist herself (and a singlespeeder, bless her heart), has about had it with my constant chin wagging about bikes, gear, and bike gears. Here's my outlet. I'll throw in some other stuff when the mood strikes. But bear with me, as I am a curmudgeon-in-training, an antisocial butterfly, and, oh yes, a jackass. You will likely find me redundant. I also repeat myself.

Lastly, and this probably should have been firstly, happy birthday to my wife, who turns an undisclosed age today.

Until next time.



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