Literal and figurative traverses of basin and range

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

So what's up?

Seems I'm in a week-long information blackout as to the status of my sister teams for the 24 Hours in the Old Pueblo. Veelz's call for racers went out and there were a few faint replies, but I'm not sure if we're four and four singlespeed, 5-person co-ed open, or what. Willing one-speeders should mosey on over to Cows Suck if they're interested in riding this thing.

But no matter. Since the team composition will undoubtedly work itself out one way or another, I've been keeping at it with the training. The weather here in the Old Pueblo has been perfect, I'm still on winter break from work, and I've got my head cold 99% whipped, all of which have allowed me to get back to some more cardiopulmonary-type activities. My weight training never really suffered the illness but a thick neck won't help me ride a bike any faster. Well, maybe it'll help me rock the helmet with my Light and Motion Solo headlamp mounted up.

Anyway, about the cycling, I skipped the champagne and spent New Year's Eve night riding at a local underground sort of trail. Yesterday, I rolled up a 30-mile road ride at an all-out race pace (or my version of it). I've also given trail running a try. Dog walks, hiking, birding; something every day. Tomorrow should see me on the skinny tires again.

In addition to running around like a headless chicken, I've been eating better, or at least eating less, and have almost excluded soda from my diet. Beer too, but again, almost. The latter one hurts. Something must be working because I've started dropping weight fairly steadily; coupla'-three pounds a week. I'm now a full 20 pounds lighter than during the 2005 24HOP. Still got a long way to go but the progress thus far has been pretty encouraging.

More important than the poundage will be if I'm able to reduce my lap times and/or pull more of them. A pre-ride at Willow Springs is in the works but my wife's (and teammate's) lingering version of my head cold has put the kibosh on that for now. My return to work next week will cut into the serious ride time but it'll also give me the opportunity to stomp my 40-pound, pannier-equipped, overgeared singlespeed nerd-bird commuter bike up Ironwood Hill Road a few afternoons each week. The heavy bike will make the Chameleon feel like a feather with a granny gear. Just hope office life doesn't make me re-develop my desk-bound butt too quickly.

I'll close by wishing everyone out there a belated Happy New Year.

Bike down.


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