OK then, in my immediately prior post, I mentioned that I exhibit a bit of weather geekery. Unfortunately, because of a lack of mathematics and physics in my background, an understanding of actual atmospheric science is a bit beyond my depth. It was for perhaps this very reason that I became so frustrated in my last week of bike commuting.
My afternoon ride home is generally from the southeast to the northwest. A good monsoon flow is also from the southeast, so tailwinds are the order of the day. I enjoy the wind at my back, and I've even had a few crazy-fast rides home on the microburst winds washing from beneath thunderheads. I treasure these tailwinds because the prevaling winds in the spring and early summer are more or less westerly, and punching into them for months really wears me down.
Last Monday and Tuesday, I found myself sprinting away from the office, looking forward to some serious assistance from the storms forming up southeast of Tucson. I was also very interested in not getting caught in them. I ride in all sorts of weather but I draw the line at lighting and hailstones. And yet, there I was riding into a stiff northwest headwind the entire time. And mind you, one of these storms caused the 50+ mph winds that sent a mile-high wall of dust through Phoenix.
If someone could explain to me how there can be a strong, northwest wind at ground level when an entire sky full of clouds is moving rapidly in the exact oppsite direction, I would appreciate it. If I know the science, then I won't mind so much riding the drops, pounding my way into the wind.
The only adverse weather I encountered in this morning's mountain bike ride was the 60° dew point and 50% relative humidity. Fortunately, there was enough of a cloud cover to keep me out of direct sunlight, which is part of the trifecta that really cranks up the discomfort level. Nevertheless, I think I lost a couple of pounds during the ride. While it's nice to be at a weight I haven't been since college, I know I'll gain it back as I rehydrate throughout the day.
In any event, it was a good ride. I felt pretty strong, my still-newish hardtail handled perfectly, and I was rocking my freshly-installed bar ends all over the climbs. The rains Tucson has been getting have tackified the trails a bit. And not just the sand, but even coarse gravel surfaces seemed to have a bit more cohesion. Fun stuff, and no choking on dust.
The monsoon wildlife watching wasn't bad, either. Sparrows of the black-throated and rufous-winged species were all over, singing like crazy. Purple martins wheeled overhead, nabbing insects on the wing. I came across a flattened Sonoran Desert toad in the bike lane. I didn't see any millipedes, but I think they mainly get up and about on the mornings after rainstorms.
That's enough for now. As enjoyable as this all was, I think I'll spend the rest of the day indoors, near an AC vent.
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