Twenty-ten has had more than its fair share of bummers, so I'll forego the typical year-in-review blog in favor of a quick rundown of current events.
Today's big news is the chance for snow in Tucson, though I think the more everyone talks about it the less likely it is to actually happen. Either way, it's cold, wet, and windy and I'm happy that I got in a mountain bike ride yesterday before it got this way. I won't discuss the fact that I squandered the weeks of perfect, 70 to 80° weather earlier this month by doing everything but riding.
Today's other, lesser news event was the laundering of my trusty Timbuk2 messenger bag. I've worn it through about 8 years and 10,000 miles of bike commuting. Between the grimy road spray on the flap and the multiple summers' worth of sweat on the back and strap pad, it had become more than a little manky. The next washing is scheduled for December of 2018.
My inexplicable and nevertheless increasing interest in angling for sciaenid fishes has resulted in the acquisition of some tackle and a shelf full of books, maps, and DVDs. Most of the stuff pertains to fishing for speckled sea trout and redfish on the Gulf Coast. I don't have a suitable boat or any local knowledge, so my first outings will probably be to the southern California surfline to chase those species' Pacific cousins, corbina and spotfin croaker. For most of my younger years, fishing defined my life. I have many great memories of various trips, and I'm eager to get back to it.
So, unless something newsworthy happens on New Year's Eve, that'll be it until 2011.
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