Literal and figurative traverses of basin and range

Monday, December 25, 2006

Boxing Day Eve

Ah yes, December 25th, the day on which I always seem to go out of my way to offend the fundies. Seems fair enough, as the continued existence of this celebration long after we ought to have entered an age of reason sure offends me.

Being as I am a ChildFreeThinker, the world, or at least the West Side, is my oyster today. No need to celebrate the fictitious messiah's birthday, and once I get past the children trying out their new bicycles, the roads and trails will be nearly deserted. Or do kids even get bikes as gifts anymore? I understand they may only be receiving video games now.

But in the true spirit of the season (that spirit being orgiastic potlatches of conspicuous consumption), I thought I'd show the last present I got for myself: new (to me) Avid BB7 disk brakes from the November bike swap mounted up to my singlespeed, itself built on a frame from a swap back in 2004. All hail the mighty Bike Swap. The twice-annual events here in Tucson are my x-mas.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice to know there are Childfree, non-religious types in Southern AZ, as I may be moving there this spring. Hope you aren't the only one!

Tue Dec 26, 12:05:00 PM 2006

Blogger GILA said...

Well, I only know of one other for sure (my wife, who blogs under the screen name of BeanSS), but I suspect there are plenty more. Peep this article from the Tucson Weekly. I hope this springtime move works out for you.

Tue Dec 26, 01:30:00 PM 2006


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