Literal and figurative traverses of basin and range

Saturday, March 31, 2012

The New Numbers

I've long reported on the various numbers by which I track my progress (or lack thereof) as a bicyclist. Since I began bike commuting in 2000, my standing annual goals were to log 100 round-trip rides to work and back and, if possible, 1,000 total miles' worth of commutes each year. I came up short for a couple of years but, on average, have far exceeded these numbers. Then there was my weight and the idea that I'd reward myself with a custom frame when I got down to 215 pounds. This was all thrown into disarray late last year.

Without getting too far into the details, these are the new numbers around which my life revolves.

2: The type of diabetes I have.

120: My doctor's target for my allowable maximum blood glucose level in mg/dl when I wake up each morning. I shoot for 110 or less and anything under 100 warrants a fist pump on my part.

15: The grams of carbohydrates that constitute a serving. My entire intake of food revolves around the multiples of these that my dietitian has assigned me for each meal. This has been a particular challenge for a person who was once said to really know his way around a burrito.

185: My new weight in pounds, if not a bit less. I'm 6'4" tall and my BMI is finally in the normal range. This is the direct result of my carb discipline. The custom frame I "earned" won't be happening because I'd jumped the gun and bought two geared 29ers in the past couple of years.

0: Zero - the ounces of soda (no big loss) and beer (a somewhat big loss) I've had since the diagnosis.

4.5: The months for which I've been battling pneumonia and its nagging after effects. Once I put this behind me and get my legs back, I may gravitate back towards that custom frame. I'm thinking a steel-framed Curtlo Solo Mountaineer 29er or some other singlespeed with 650B wheels.

1: The number of new blogs I've launched.

100 and 1000: My continuing annual bike commuting goals in trips and miles, respectively - old habits die hard. I've reached 41 round-trips and 400 miles so far this year. I've even put in a few mountain bike rides. I will not disclose the average speeds to which my torched lungs have limited me.

And lastly, I'll close this with a little graphic I ginned up a few years ago, not knowing it was eerily prophetic.


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