Literal and figurative traverses of basin and range

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Oh hell no...

So here I am mindlessly trolling the proximal regions of the blogosphere and I see that Veelz has managed to remember that I agreed to duo the 24 Hours in the Old Pueblo this year. Shit. Trading laps with but one other rider for 24 hours probably sounded like a good idea to me right after last year's race when I was jacked up on endorphins (and perhaps also a little bit drunk) but right now, a dozen pounds heavier, with about a third of the monthly mileage base I had in last year's run-up, I have to wonder what the hell I was thinking. Yesterday's solo ride on my Chameleon, my first SS ride in 3 months, wasn't exactly confidence-inspiring either; I almost barfed. Moreover, BeanSS, my wife and teammate, is down for racing on a four-person squad again.

So given my reservations about my fitness level and more importantly, my wife's veto power over the duo racing concept, the question is this: will Veelz find another maladjusted soul willing to flog his or herself silly for 12 hours' worth of racing or will he throw in on yet another four-person effort in 2007? The various incarnations of QQQQ and GnomeBrew have yet to finish DFL. Maybe this is the year.


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