Discharged, recharged
Work has been spilling over into my private life a bit too much lately, and I anticipate more of the same in the weeks to come. To keep myself relatively centered, I kicked out some space to take myself a four-day weekend. I had designs on going camping near some trout-filled lake or maybe just hanging back in the Old Pueblo and sleeping in. I did neither.
Instead, I woke up early, taking advantage of the cool mornings to get in the kind of weight lifting that long work days, high temperatures, and West Nile Virus-carrying mosquitos prevent me from accomplishing during the week. I also dusted off the Chameleon singlespeed and clicked off some sunrise laps around the local regional park. I rode pretty damned well considering it was my first venture off pavement since late February. Looks like my expanding bike commuting mileage base has saved me from oblivion yet again. How much faster will I get if gas goes to 4$ a gallon? Five? Ten? The dogs got two decent walks, and will get a third one tonight if the last of my weekend activities, the drinking of beer, doesn't get too out of hand.
And one last thing before I sign off - there are only two more shopping days until Summer Solstice.
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