Black Friday vs. Buy Nothing Day
I said yesterday that I don't observe Thanksgiving. Today is Black Friday, and I most definitely don't celebrate that either. I can, however, get behind the concept of Buy Nothing Day. Of course, I'm buying things today no matter what. I'll be billed at the end of the month for the electricity powering my computer, I exchanged cash for the coffee I'm drinking, and while my dial-up internet service is cheap, it's not free. I may not spend today, but I've definitely spent.
Speaking of spent, BeanSS and I managed to get in a nice road bike ride yesterday, finishing just before the winds kicked up. Most of my fatigue is probably from the workout the day before, but the bike ride was longer than my commute, which means it was more time than I've spent in the saddle for months. Mix a few dog walks in there, and, well, I'm tired. Despite that, I'm thinking I may take the skinny bike out for another short ride this afternoon or, if I'm feeling particularly adventurous, I may attempt a night mountain bike ride ahead of the storm that's forecast to arrive this evening.
Or I'll just rest and drink beer. Yeah, that sounds better.
P.S. I'm well aware of the hypocrisy of railing against conspicuous consumption and then indirectly referring to the fact that I own multiple bicycles, which is perhaps the very definition of two-wheeled consumerism.
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