Blame it on the rain
I haven't ridden a bike since Monday, not even to commute. The dogs haven't been walked since before that. My job has been nothing but desk work, car trips, and meetings - no field time. The closest thing to exercise other than a bit of weight lifting was having sat on my ass watching the Klunkerz DVD last night. Nevertheless, I sit here at the computer with my quadriceps aching as if from having completed some sort of epic mountain bike ride or a peak-bagging hike. I don't know how it is that absolute disuse of muscles can hurt but if I'm going to be in pain no matter what I do (or don't do), I might as well be getting in some miles. But alas, a series of four winter storms, the last of which is wringing itself out over the mountains this morning, will keep me off a bike for at least the rest of today.
But about that last ride on Monday - it was BeanSS's first time on her singlespeed in over three years and yet she rode like she'd only been off the thing for a week. I'm looking forward to us getting back to our roots, bike-wise. And with all of the rain, our spring rides should have some nice showings of wildflowers. Lastly, like I say every year, I have got to get up to Flagstaff and test myself on a singlespeed at altitude.
Without segue, I would like to point out that the White Lies album, Death, is the best collection of songs I've heard in a long, long time. I can even let the CD play all of the way through without skipping any tracks - a very rare thing even with bands I like. They'll be huge here in the U.S. soon enough.
Well, I suppose I should get up from this chair, sore quads and all, and get on with my day.
Thanks for checking out the film. Maybe you needed to take a few days off the bike? Absence does make the heart grow fonder...but you gotta walk those dogs!
Ride on,
Billy Savage
Sat Jan 23, 11:53:00 AM 2010
Thanks for the good advice and the great flick! The dogs have since been walked and the fond-hearted absence will end later today.
Sun Jan 24, 11:40:00 AM 2010
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